He desired to reach out and bless the forgotten parishes of Jersey, marooned across the vast and treacherous mire. He was appointed Bishop of Coutances and performed miracles, healing the sight of the blind. He was born a nobleman, heir to the great castle of Briovère, yet he dedicated his fortune to the Lord’s work. Saint Lô – you have heard of him, I trust? – decided to tame this wilderness. Men were swallowed by giant congers, choked in quicksand, or might wander till they starved, blinded by the marsh fires that blazed night and day. It was a treacherous, forsaken journey to cross from St Clement’s Church to the other side. It is very dangerous to walk here without an experienced official guide, as the tide can come in extremely fast. You know the salt marshes at Samarès, where the tides lap the land beneath the Seigneur’s manor house? In your forefathers’ day, those marshes stretched on, for mile after muddy mile, until bog and willow became solid ground, and the spires of Coutances Cathedral welcomed the weary pilgrim. When the world was young, Jersey was no Island. You believe them to be fixed and ancient, but they are as new as a baby’s breath.

The same is true for the hills, the coasts, the forests around you. “The wood is burning and flaring, forever changing, shadows dancing and vanishing. With unsettling force for a frail old man, he grabbed my shoulders and turned my head towards the belching wood-fire. “Come closer to the fire, my son, and I will show you”. “My son, have you heard of the Drowning?”Įmbarrassed and somewhat sheepish after my earlier mockery, I shook my head. The storyteller’s eyes snapped open, and he fixed his gaze directly on me, a butterfly on a pin. Yet he only moved when I took pity and shoved a fat mug of ale into his hand. We gently mocked him, jeering at his appearance, taunting him with oaths, hoping for a reaction. His clothes were feathered with snow, which gradually melted in front of the smoky orange fire. His grey beard was unkempt, and unruly hair sprouted from his ears and nostrils, a nest for lice. The freezing sleet must have flushed him out of the forest hole where he slept and forced him all the way down here, to our tavern in St Clement.įor an hour he stood there, as silent as a waxwork eyes clamped shut, and he would not deign to speak. He was a pitiful vagrant, a shuffling old man, the kind who lives from the alms boxes in the northern parishes. We were hours deep into our revelry when the storyteller arrived. On Christmas-eve, the goose was broiled, the turnips stewed, and we slaked our throats with pitchers of watery beer. After the backbreaking toil of the summer, we curled up in our huts, indolent and slothful. This was a season for huddling, for clinging to warmth by the embers of the fire. Throughout your adventure, you will discover all new items, ingredients, spells, and more, and have the talented craftsmen of Crucible and Bliss forge new armor and weapons just for you.This story is based on an ancient Jersey legend. You'll encounter more than a dozen new creatures including hideous insects, Flesh Atronachs, skeletal Shambles, amphibious Grummites. Do you have the strength to survive his trials, tame a realm fraught with paranoia and despair, and wear the mantle of a God? The Shivering Isles features a bizarre landscape split between the two sides – Mania and Dementia-filled with vast, twisting dungeons mirroring the roots of the trees they are buried within. Something is happening to the Shivering Isles and Sheogorath himself looks to you to be his champion and defend his realm and its inhabitants from destruction. Within the Realm of Sheogorath, players can explore the two extreme sides of the god's madness – the sublimely creative and the completely psychotic. Shivering Isles adds to the existing world of Oblivion so you can continue playing with your existing save game/character, or create an all new character just to explore the new content.

Shivering Isles adds to the existing world of Oblivion so you can continue playing with your Shivering Isles features more than 30 hours of new gameplay and allows you to explore an entirely new plane of Oblivion – the realm of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness. Summary: Shivering Isles features more than 30 hours of new gameplay and allows you to explore an entirely new plane of Oblivion – the realm of Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness.